Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Mystery of the Axe Target

A few months ago we put together a target to practice throwing knives and axes. It's a big disk of wood that we balanced on 2 logs. It takes 2 people to put it up; one to balance the big part and the other person to keep the logs from shifting. In one of our fierce winds in blew over. It's been laying like that for weeks, next to the firewood pile. Any casual observer would mistake it for firewood.

A few days ago I asked my boyfriend if he could set it up again so I could practice throwing axes and knives while he is at work. So today I go out to the Zen garden to contemplate, and there was the target, set up perfectly.

When he came out later I said, "Wow, thanks for fixing the target. It looks perfect."
He says, "I didn't fix it. I know you asked me to but I never got around to it."

We both stared at each other.  I said, "You know I can't even lift that by myself."

No one has been over here, and even if they had, they wouldn't know what the wood was for.
Who or what set up the axe target?

Perfectly balanced.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Three Dreams in One Night

Last night's dreams were interesting.
In the first one I was driving around southern CA with my boyfriend.  We were arguing.  Then we got out and were walking around an expensive neighborhood. We visited a friend, and when we left we went our separate ways. Then I heard the crowd yelling that we were about to be hit by a tsunami. So I ran for higher ground. In my case, that meant climbing to the top of some playground equipment. Someone was already up there so I joined them, hoping it could take our weight. As the water started to pour through other people climbed up. It started to sway. I saw there was an even higher tower next to us with only one person on it. After the water rushed by on the ground we were all still dry so people started to climb down. I yelled at them to wait, because the bigger surge was yet to come. Sure enough a few minutes later the water came by in a much bigger amount, flooding halfway up to where we were. I was scared and worried but I clung on as we swayed under the weight of the water. I hoped my boyfriend was okay, wherever he was.

About fifteen minutes later a giant wave came through, gushing through buildings and the 2nd story level. We all got soaked. But everyone hung on for dear life. Soon after the emergency crews were yelling for us all to get to the buses. I climbed down and raced from bus to bus looking for my boyfriend. Finally I spotted him and he saw me but didn't look very excited about it. I got on the same bus as him and I don't remember any more of that dream.

In the second dream I had a gig juggling on an outdoor plaza. The guy who hired me was sitting inside one of the offices facing the plaza. For some crazy reason, all I brought with me were 3 gray juggling balls which blended in with the surrounding. I was barely able to juggle. I was so worried that I wouldn't get paid. Then some random juggling vendor shows up and puts boxes of juggling equipment out for anyone to use. Soon I'm surrounded by jugglers. I try to juggle some clubs he brought but they were all different sizes and weights than what I am used to. So they kept flying out of my hands. So I tried to switch back to my gray beanbags but another juggler had scooped them up. All the jugglers were better than I was. I was afraid I wouldn't get paid for sure now.

I just remembered I had a third dream. A homeless woman had killed a man in self defense. It was my job to take her to the police so she could confess.  When she did, the officer just let her go. He didn't really care one way or the other that she'd killed someone. She was very relieved and went back to her poor homeless life.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Two Vivid Dreams

Last night I had a series of nightmares. The easiest one to remember is the one right before I got up.
We were driving through the downtown area of San Luis Obispo, CA with my ex-husband and my teenage daughters. We were fighting over something so I asked him to pull over and let me out,so he did.

Then I was wandering the streets for hours. I didn't have any money. I stopped inside a See's Candy to watch a fat woman decorating cakes.  She gave me free samples of chocolate and wrote down my birthday on her big calendar along with my favorite kind of candy which was chocolate. I didn't have the heart to tell her I was homeless so I doubted she'd be able to find me the next year.

I was wandering around realizing I had to find more food before dark. I found some giant bushes with purple berries so I started eating those. I just hoped they weren't poisonous. I realized I didn't even know where my ex lived and I didn't have a cell phone either, and no one to call even if I did.

I felt someone standing behind me. I turned around and it was my brother.  He said, "What are you going to do, just sit there and eat berries off some neighbor's bush?"

I asked him what he thought I should do since I had nowhere to go and no money.

So he gets out this giant map and asks me to help him find something.
Suddenly I realize I need a bathroom.  I dive into one that is behind me. I won't go into that, but it woke me up and I have a bad headache.

This is the first time I remember dreaming about my brother. I haven't seen him in years; not since my mother's funeral.

Writing this down reminded me of an earlier dream. I worked in a brothel. We got to wear really cute outfits. The outfits changed once a month. Since I remember 3 different outfits I must have been there 3 months. There was a women there that did hypnosis and another one that dyed and styled hair so the girls would look their best.  I remember being jealous that I wasn't the hypnotist. I wanted to shout out that I do hypnosis too. I remember running down the street in heels to fetch one of the girls that was on her lunch break so she could come help a fussy customer with a haircut. That's about all I remember of that dream.

I woke up feeling exhausted and sore from tossing and turning all night. It's going to be a challenging day.