Friday, May 31, 2013

Roadrunner Up a Tree

We have a new roadrunner in our yard. I tried to get some photos but instead, it hopped up a creosote bush, then up a wire fence, then up a cottonwood tree. So it looks a little funny sitting in a tree.
There are also a lot of quail and rabbits in the yard. As soon as it cools down as much as it is going to, I'll go out in the yard and watch the critters.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Manifesting Your Dreams

I took a leap of faith and volunteered at a local event.  When they said yes, I got so excited. The event is this weekend. It will be madness getting ready, but it is the kind of madness I love. If I hadn't picked up the phone this wouldn't have happened. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith to get to the abundance we seek. I realized that if I didn't send that email, telling them I was out here in the universe, the answer would have been no already. Then I told myself 100 reasons they might say no. Then they said YES!  So now I'm going to my first Steampunk event ever. And oh yeah, I need to put this on my Steampunk blog. I'm going to Boomtown!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Three of Wands

The path of today was very interesting. I was looking for a crochet tutorial on Youtube, and instead intended up clicking on a tarot tutorial on the Real Witches of Orange County. So suddenly I knew I just had to set up a tarot table in my bedroom. And then I decided to make a video of it. So as I’m shuffling for the three card spread, certain cards show up. When I’m cutting the cards, I’m not really paying attention. I’m just trying to make a good video. The first card I flip over is the 3 of Wands in the Faery Wicca deck. Now this is a hard deck written to go with Celtic beliefs. So I don’t even recognize the 3 of Wands at first. I had to look it up in a little book. The third card was the 2 of swords. Now that card I understand. It is the struggle and stalemate I have in my current relationship. The middle card was the Ace of Cups.

So I make the video. On editing and uploading I start to notice an interesting thing.  That 3 of Wands card is completely hogging the camera.  If you watch the video you’ll see what I mean. The idea is to lay out 3 cards early in the day, leave them there, and then at the end of the day see if the meaning manifested itself in some way.
About an hour after I got the card, which shows a man on a mountain looking off into the distance, I get an email saying my volunteer application for a Steampunk event this weekend just came through. And then I find out the location is ‘ON A MOUNTAIN TOP’ on tribal lands. Just like on the tarot card. And the meaning is ‘doing something completely different’. I found a blog explaining the card and it was spot on. To me the meaning is clear. Go to this event and take on a leadership role and do something innovative, or stay at home locking horns with my partner and not getting anywhere. In fact the two of swords is mentioned as ‘an opposing card’.
The only thing that isn’t obvious is the Ace of Cups. I sure hope that doesn’t mean I’m going to fall in love with someone else. That’s the last thing I need right now. Here are some other meanings of the Ace of Cups
So all in all, it was an interesting turn of events. 
You can watch my video here:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blessed Beltane

I wasn't going to let another Beltane pass me by without doing something. It wasn't much of something, and I basically did it alone. But I got some photos out of it to share.