Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Mystery of the Axe Target

A few months ago we put together a target to practice throwing knives and axes. It's a big disk of wood that we balanced on 2 logs. It takes 2 people to put it up; one to balance the big part and the other person to keep the logs from shifting. In one of our fierce winds in blew over. It's been laying like that for weeks, next to the firewood pile. Any casual observer would mistake it for firewood.

A few days ago I asked my boyfriend if he could set it up again so I could practice throwing axes and knives while he is at work. So today I go out to the Zen garden to contemplate, and there was the target, set up perfectly.

When he came out later I said, "Wow, thanks for fixing the target. It looks perfect."
He says, "I didn't fix it. I know you asked me to but I never got around to it."

We both stared at each other.  I said, "You know I can't even lift that by myself."

No one has been over here, and even if they had, they wouldn't know what the wood was for.
Who or what set up the axe target?

Perfectly balanced.

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